What is Code Coverage:
Analyzing your code Coverage is a necessary step in devloping complex big projects.
Getting the code's coverage is simply generating a summary of how much a piece of code is executed and "covered".
Code Coverage offers line, function, and branch analysis.
Generally, the most reasonable method is to check how much code your Testsuites cover.
Please Note: This has only been tested on UNIX System (Ubuntu)
Code Coverage is supported by GNU GCC and LLVM. Make sure that one of these build tools is installed. Gcov, lcov and genhtml are packages that are also needed. For more information, you can check the usage of gcov (GCC) here.
You can also use gcovr as an alternative to gcov.
How it works
Code Coverage only works if the main function returns 0. (The Test Suite returns 0 if all testcases pass).
The test suite should run only in DEBUG Mode and with all optimizations turned off "-O0" for Coverage. Warnings will pop if not.
With the correct gcov and -fdump added to CXX_COMPILER_FLAGS
, running the Testsuite will generate *.gcno
and *.gch
files meant for lcov. The file generation and flags are handled by a CMAKE submodule. An *.info
file is then created and transformed afterwards to interactable index.html
page on the web browser. Configuration information on the CMAKE Output window show up as the submodule defaults to verbose.
How to enable
Visual Stuido Code
- Uncomment the code under
in the CMakeLists.txt on the project's root directory, to set the optionBUILD_WITH_GCOV
. - (Optional) You can also build with
instead of last step. - Make sure to choose RAYX_tst as target in Debug Mode.
- Once ran,
cd build
and run:
lcov --capture --directory . --output-file coverage.info
genhtml coverage.info --output-directory coverage
- A new file in
called coverage, with andindex.html
can be opened to see Code Coverage.
JetBrains Clion
- Chose the Google Test "RAYX_tst | Debug-Coverage" as configuration, if first time doing this you should only see "RAYX_tst | Debug " as option, chose that instead.
- Near the Run button, you should see "Run "RAYX_tst" with Coverage".
- If configration is missing, let CLion handle the creation of a new Cmake configuration.
- Once all testsuites are successfuly ran, a dialog box of the Line, Branch coverages pops out. Notice also the colors in the editor.